Nursery/Toddler Ministry
We will be open soon! This ministry is for 1 year old to 5 years old. If interested, please register your child(ren). Space will be limited.

Children’s Worship
This ministry uses interactive creative programming to introduce and have children learn about the wonder of God. Children in the 1st – 5th grades will experience energetic worship along with mindful Jesus centered meditation as they discover their identity in God’s big story. They will have no doubt about who God is and who they are in Him.
Children’s Worship is on 3rd Sundays in the Family Life Center
Family Worship
On 4th Sundays, our families worship together. God calls parents to lead and love their family regularly reminding our youth of God’s faithfulness and the love of Jesus Christ. On 4th Sundays our young people minister through our youth choir, youth ushers, and dance ministry.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your strength. The commandments I give you today must be in your hearts. Make sure your children learn them. Talk about them when you are at home. Talk about them when you walk along the road. Speak about them when you go to bed. And speak about them when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7 NLRV

Ministries For Youth & Students
Youth Ushers – 5 to 17 years old
Youth Choir – 5 to 18 years old or Kindergarten through 12th grade
Dance Ministry – 5 to 18 years old or Kindergarten through 12th grade
Oratorical Ministry – All ages
Mission Friend Toddlers to 6-year-olds.
ACTeens – 12 – 17 years old or Grades: 7th – 12th
Drama Ministry age 2 to 18 years old depending on the play.
Boy Scouts Age Group: 11 – 17
Cub Scouts Age Group: 6 -10
Venture Crew 469 Age Group: 14 – 20
Girl Scouts
Daisy Troop 290 Age Group: K5 – 1st Grade
Brownie Troop 523 Age Group: 2nd – 3rd Grade
Junior Troop 755 Age Group: 4th – 5th Grade
Girl Scout Troop 220 – Cadettes Age Group: 6th – 8th Grade
Girl Scout Troop 325 – Seniors Age Group: 9th – 12th Grade
STEM Initiative Age Group – Elementary and Middle School Students
Frequently Asked
Who can participate in Children’s Worship?
Children in 1st thru 6th grade. Children Worship is large and small groups. Small groups are 1st and 2nd graders, 3 & 4th graders, 5th and 6th graders.
Who teaches the children?
All volunteers have approved background checks and participate in initial as well as ongoing training before working with your children.
What time is check in for Children’s Worship?
Check in begins at 9:45a and pick up is immediately following the conclusion of 10am worship service.
What is the teacher/child ratio?
We have 2 adults for every 12 children.
How can I learn more about the lessons for Children’s Worship?
We use Wonder Ink. The core values are that God knows me, Jesus loves me, the Holy Spirit leads me, and I am a child of God. You can click the link to register and get access to the at home activities for our curriculum.
How can I learn more about the lessons for Middle School and High School Wednesday night group?
We use David Cook’s Seen. Our students learn about who God is, why we trust His Word, who Jesus is, and how the Holy Spirit guides us. They are challenged to grow in their spiritual knowledge so they can develop solid Christian character qualities. We encourage them to put God’s Word into daily practice at home, at school, and in their community.
Connect, Inspire, Engage
We Connect, Inspire and Engage our youth, students and families.
We connect our youth and students to Jesus Christ by praying for and mentoring them through their questions of faith and daily experiences in “one-on-one” or small group settings. We love spending quality time with them.
We inspire each other by being passionate followers of Jesus Christ and we invite you to join us in “faith-filled risks” for Christ.
We engage with our youth and students by instructing and equipping them with core doctrines of our Christian faith in creative ways that engage their hearts and minds. We regularly offer opportunities to engage in the worship experience, serve and minister to others.